Rosenrot Manor Guide

This is the guide for Rosenrot Manor. It contains spoilers for all the puzzles in the game.

If you are stuck on a specific part of the game, refer to this guide for help!


At the beginning of the game, first thing you want to do is stand below the headstone and use the shovel. Arthur will dig up a bone. You will want to use this bone on the dog skeleton to swap it with the stick it's holding in it's mouth. Otherwise, taking the stick will result in a Game Over. After acquiring the stick, use it on the dirt mound in the forest clearing. Arthur will fish out the Front Door Key. From here you'll want to use the key on the front door to unlock it and enter the manor.

The Manor

Refer to the floorplan of the Rosenrot Manor to find any of the rooms mentioned!

Once inside the manor you can use the guest book to save at any time you'd like. (You should do this as often as possible!)

Go to the right hallway and enter the kitchen. In the kitchen interact with the shelf on the wall that has a shiny item sticking out. Arthur will comment that it's out of reach and he'd need something to stand on to get it. Additionally, Examine the cupboard right next to it to gain the Vinegar

After that go to the Dining Room and take a spare Small Chair in the bottom left corner. You'd also want to take the Rose here. It may seem dangerous at first, but it's actually completely harmless. Also, notice the book on the dining table (that will be important later). Next, go back to the kitchen and use the Small Chair on the shelf on the wall to acquire the Library Key. On your way to the library also visit the Closet and examine one of the drawers as it contains a Thread that will be useful later.

Use the Library Key on the door to the library to unlock it. Once inside you will notice many different things. First and foremost there is a book with its pages torn out  in the middle of the room. The book and all of its pages contain the story of what happened in the Rosenrot Manor before your arrival. In the bottom right there is a paper that talks about chemical reactions. There is also a Mannequin standing at the top of the room blocking the fireplace. Interacting with it now will do nothing. Also, notice the empty spot in one of the bookshelves and remember that for later. 

For now, enter the Office on the left and examine the bookcase to get Mechanical Hands. Here you will also find a torn page that contains lore and a lockbox that you currently can't open.


To start this puzzle, head to the Drawing Room and use the Mechanical Hands on the clock. In the Guest Room there is a painting of a clock with its two hands in different positions. You will want to refer to this painting to solve the puzzle by placing the hands on the real clock in the correct positions four times.

The Solution:

1. Hour Hand - North    Minute Hand - South

2. Hour Hand - South    Minute Hand - West

3. Hour Hand - East        Minute Hand - North

4. Hour Hand - West    Minute Hand - East

Note: between each input you have to walk back to the Guest Room to activate the next step of the puzzle

Once the puzzle has been solved, Arthur will get Child Room Key. Use it to unlock the Child Room. Here, take the Fake Book from the pile of books. There is also a torn page here. Then head back to the Library. Beware as now there will be a jumpscare once you enter the Library. Use the Fake Book on the empty spot in the bookshelf. Arthur will say that something below him opened. Below the Library is the Drawing Room so go there next.

Once there, you will find that the fireplace grates have opened. Additionally, a new torn page will appear on one of the tables. Now you can get the Key Covered in Soot, but you'll need to clean it first before you can use it. First, head to the Master Bedroom and examine the nightstands there. In one of them you will find the Baking Soda. Combine the Baking Soda and the Vinegar by using one of the items wherever to get the Unclogging Mixture. Next, go to the Bathroom and use the Unclogging Mixture on the sink. This will unclog it and now you can use the Key Covered in Soot on the now working sink to clean it and acquire the Pantry Key.

Ignore the Clock and unlock the Pantry by using the key on its door. Once inside you will find another torn page. Examine the barrel in the room to find Fish Food. I'm guessing you already know where this goes. After exiting the pantry, Mr Pocket will now be stalking you. You can see him peeking out of certain places. If you exit a room while he is stalking you, it will result in a Game Over. To make him go away, simply interact with him and he will vanish.

Now head to the Child Room and use the Fish Food on the fish. It will dig out a Small Hook for you in return. Combine the Small Hook and Thread to craft a Fishing Line. Use this Fishing Line at the kitchen sink to fish out the Lockbox Key. Now head back to the Office and unlock the Lockbox using this key. You will find a Glass Shard inside.

This is where things get interesting. Use the Glass Shard on the broken mirror in the Master Bedroom to repair it and then interact with it to enter the Mirror World. In the Mirror World everything is mirrored (duh), but some stuff will be different. From here, go to the Mirrored Guest Room to find the Mannequin sitting in the arm chair. Use the Rose on the mannequin to give it. 

From there, return back to the real world (Mr Pocket will be waiting in the Master Bedroom once you exit so beware) and go to the Guest Room. You will now see the mannequin sitting there with the Cellar Key. Grab it and unlock the cellar door in the Atrium!


Once in the Cellar you will find another torn page. The door to the right is the only place you can go for now, but it leads to a seemingly endless hallway? Refer to the book in the Dining Room. The words No running in the halls are marked in that book. Maybe try that here. By simply walking through the long hallway, it will not loop and you can proceed to the next room.


In this room there are 4 stands with 4 books opposite to them and a map in the top left corner. The books describe different insects while the map is filled with numbers on each room. For this puzzle you'll want to match every insect embelem you can find in the Manor with their corresponding number on the map depending on which room you find them in. There are 4 insects: Scorpion, Snake, Spider and Mantis. Note that the mantis embelem is destroyed and unrecognizable. It is also worth noting that this puzzle is randomized every run and the embelems appear in different rooms.

The Solutions:

1. Scorpion - 18, Snake - 15, Spider - 9, Mantis - 8

2. Scorpion - 15,  Snake - 9, Spider - 8, Mantis - 18

3.  Scorpion - 3,  Snake - 7,  Spider -14, Mantis - 19

4.  Scorpion - 16, Snake - 12, Spider - 4, Mantis - 17

After completing the puzzle, Arthur will hear something crash above him. Return to the Atrium to find that the chandelier has crashed down on top of the Guest Book. Temporarily you won't be able to save the game, but it's fine since you're reading this guide. Examine the Chandelier to gain a Candle. Use the Lighter on the Candle wherever to light the candle and gain the Lit Candle.

Now you'll want to go to the kitchen and use the Lit Candle on the Dull Knife stuck to the counter there. This will dry out the adhesive and you'll be able to freely pick it up now. From there, go back to the Child Room and use this new Dull Knife on the Teddy Bear resting atop the drawer. He'll come to life and introduce himself as Frank Lee. Next he'll tell you to examine the closet in the Office so go and do that.

Once examined, the closet will open up an entrance to a secret room. Here you'll find a new Guest Book (hooray!) and another torn page. You will also want to pick up the Drawing on the table. The picture depicts a fireplace and 6 bookshelves with colored Xs on them. Looks like the library, but it actually isn't. Now you'll want to go back to the Cellar and enter the door on the left this time.

You will find yourself in a dark maze (annoying, I know). You're not alone in this maze as the Mannequin will be chasing you in the darkness now. Use the arrows on the ground to find the right path to the next room. Good luck with this.

Once you're past the maze, you'll find yourself in the Archives, the place the Drawing you took earlier was referring to. In the bottom left you will find a note on xenotransplantation and a poem that contains the hint to the next puzzle!


The poem will talk about a race between six colours and it's up to you to order them correctly and use the Drawing to input the order into the bookshelves. Notice that the Drawing is flipped.

Note: The colour Yellow isn't mentioned in the poem, but it's still required for the solution. Additionally, the colour Orange has been lost in the Drawing and is depicted as Black.

The Solution:

1. Green (Middle Left)

2. Orange (Top Left) (Orange is depicted as Black in the image)

3. Blue (Middle Right)

4. Red (Bottom Left)

5. Yellow (Top Right)

6. Pink (Bottom Right)

After completing the puzzle, the top door in the Cellar will open! (Also, Mr Pocket will spawn in the Drawing Room).

Once there you will find another Guest Book and a furnace. Interact with the furnace and then go back to the Child Room to get the books to burn. Once you pick up the books, a chase sequence will start with the Mannequin. You'll want to go back to the Furnace Room and burn the books there to get Book Ashes. Give these to Frank Lee back in the Child Room in return for the Tomb Key. (After this you won't be able to return to this room).

Go back to the Furnace Room and unlock the door to the right with the Tomb Key. You will find yourself in a hallway that has a painted door in the middle. You'll have to present a blood sacrifice to open it. In the following room there will be a lamb chained to an altar and a drawer. Examine the drawer to get Servant Quarters Key.

 Unlock the door to the Servant Quarters using this key. Inside, you will find another torn page and a painting with a lever. Pull the lever and you will find that a new mechanism is now blocking the way to the hallway with the Kitchen, similarly to the one in the Mirror World. First, Go to the Kitchen in the real world (flip the lever again if the mechanism is on in the real world) and place the Dull Knife back where you found it.

After flip the lever in the Servant Quarters so that the mechanism is on in the real world. Then proceed into the Mirror World and that hallway will now be open. Go to the Mirrored Kitchen to find another torn page and the Sacrificial Knife on the kitchen counter. Return to the normal world and go back to the altar with the lamb. Use the Sacrificial Knife on the lamb. (It's not a real lamb, don't worry) to open up the painted door in the Tomb Hallway.


This is the final area of the game. Good job for making it this far. In this area you will find 5 different puzzles that you can do in any order you like. Each puzzle will award an organ. You need 5 organs to open the painted door in the start room. Freely explore the Abattoir to get your bearings around the place and then refer to this guide since none of the rooms are named.


The heart puzzle is in the room with the mannequin strapped to a table and 3 painting with stands below them. For this puzzle you need to count each respective painting and input the number of times it appears in the Manor.

The Solution:

1. Lady's Painting: 4

2. Dog's Painting: 3

3. Master's Painting: 4

This will unlock the Mannequin's chest and you can grab the Heart now. 1 down, 4 to go.


This puzzle is found in the room that has a safe and a note next to it. The numbers for this puzzle can be found in different rooms in the Abattoir on little notes. Each note will be in a room with a different member of the Food Chain described in the hint for this puzzle. Put them in the correct order to unlock the Safe.

The Solution:


Once the safe is unlocked, you can grab the Lungs. 2 down, 3 to go.


This puzzle can be found in the room that has a pressure plate that needs to be held down. For this puzzle you need to grab the Crimson Pot that can be found in the room with the many pig corpses hanging from chains. From there, go to the room with the 2 skeletons and use the Crimson Pot on the place where the blood is dripping. After that, exit and re-enter the room to find that the pot is fully filled. Grab the Bloody Crimson Pot and use it on the pressure plate. This will unlock the mechanism in the room with the Devil's plant and you can freely open the lockbox to get the Liver. 3 down, 2 to go.


For this puzzle, you'll first want to move the table in the room with the lion head so that it's not blocking the door. You can examine the door to find that it's a room that you previously could've gone to by interacting with the bloody child painting that replaces the clock in the Drawing Room. After that, you'll want to go to a room with a lever in the middle that has a hand hanging off it and many tables placed everywhere. Once pulling the lever, a boss fight with Mr Pocket will start. To beat him, just walk over and interact with the table he appears on. You don't have much time before he kills you so make sure to stand in the middle of the room so that you can get to each table as fast as possible.

After beating Mr Pocket, the chain holding the person in the will lower and you will be able to use the Shovel on the body to get the Red Lockbox Key. Now head back to the bloody child painting that replaced the clock and interact with it. You won't have much time before the gas kills you so quickly use the key on the Red Lockbox to unlock it and get the Kidney. 4 down, 1 to go.


This puzzle can be found in the room with the 2 skeletons. One always lies and the other always tells the truth. Free the second skeleton to get an extra hint for the puzzle ;). For this puzzle you need to realize that the second skeleton won't give any extra information after you free him which means he is the lying skeleton. From there follow the instructions given and pull the correct lever/s.

The Solution:

Only the left-most lever needs to be pulled. The other should remained untouched. (This means only the left-most lever needs to face to the right and every other lever face to the left).

After pulling the correct lever, go to the room with the skull in the middle. Usually if you don't have the right lever combination, the spikes in the floor would kill you, however, we have the levers in the correct positions so just simply grab the Cranium. From there, go back to the room with the lion's head and use the Cranium on the table with the ice pick chained to it. This will break it and give you the Brain.

Once all 5 organs have been harvested, return to the start room to find that the painted door is now open. Enter the room for your final puzzle.


For this puzzle you'll want to place the organs in the correct boxes based on the hints on the paper. Pretty self explanatory.

The Solution:

1. Lung

2. Liver

3. Kidney

4. Heart

5. Brain

After solving this puzzle, a ghost will appear. Follow it into a long hallway where the final chase between you and the Mannequin will ensue. After the chase you will be transported into The Tomb where you can proceed and talk to the ghost. Next, go into The Tomb and use the Shovel on the left coffin to get the Amulet.

After that, the Manor will start collapsing. Make your escape and leave through the front door. (You will have to go through the looping hallway again, so be sure to walk through it, you have enough time).

Congratulations! You have completed Rosenrot Manor!

I hope you enjoyed the game. If you have any further inquiries, please let me know!

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